Friday 07 Jun 2024
to Saturday, 08 June 2024

We are excited to announce that ELTU, CUHK will organize a symposium on 7 – 8 June 2024 (Friday and Saturday) themed “Towards a Sustainable and Transferable Model of English Across the Curriculum (EAC)” at CUHK! It will be a valuable opportunity for like-minded researchers, English Language Teaching (ELT) practitioners and content teachers to gather and share insights into the implementation and sustainability of English Across the Curriculum in a tertiary setting.
There will be 7 featured speeches and 2 roundtable discussions at this 1.5-day symposium. Our target audience are content teachers, programme administrators, English language educators, and scholars who care about student engagement, quality learning in bilingual / EMI settings, in particular, the enhancement of disciplinary literacies or academic literacies within disciplines.
Please note that the 7 speakers are from Australia, USA, UK, Mainland China, and Hong Kong. Their wide range of sharing will excite you and provide you much food for thoughts and for actions. Further details about these speakers can be found in the attached poster.
Registration for this event is now open (with NO registration fee). Please scan the QR Code on the attached poster! Meanwhile, may we wish you a pleasant and healthy year ahead and we look forward to welcoming you at the June Symposium!